The Technology Transforming Parking

The Technology Transforming Parking

Technology plays a part in almost everything we do as the Internet of Things collects endless data for the purpose of tailoring products, services, and experiences to customer needs.

Parking is no different, and without technology installed in car parks there is no access to in-depth analytics and reporting that provides insight into customer behaviour and how operations can be improved.

The benefits of parking guidance systems (PGS) to improve customer experience have been repeated often: it shows consideration of a customer’s valuable time by making the parking process efficient; and encourages loyalty, particularly during busy periods as the arrival and departure experience are key to return visits and asset loyalty.

For asset owners, a PGS helps to manage overstays and optimise the parking and pricing mix to maximise revenue. Without the data, there is no opportunity to discover unrealised potential or develop strategies to meet the changing needs of the motorist. And in an increasingly tough economy, considering new alternatives to maximising revenue is vital.

In a COVID world, managing the health and safety of employees as they return to workplaces is critical, and the information a parking guidance system collects and reports on is a useful tool to assist with managing congestion periods at the beginning and end of the working day. Heat maps and the SenseIQ Management system help to identify activity and parking patterns that can be used to optimise safety.

As attention turns more closely to climate and sustainable industries to kick-start economic recovery, smart cities are choosing to use all the tools at their disposal to reduce emissions and congestion – whether it be from one carpark to a whole precinct. A parking guidance system is a good investment in future-proofing parking assets by delivering improved customer experience, solid IoT sensor based data, options for expansion and the ability to upgrade and implement sustainable technology as it evolves.

As Australian cities emerge from lockdown and restrictions slowly ease, it is expected that activity and subsequent economic impacts will start to rebound. Now is the time to take advantage of the technologies that will help entice customers back to your business and create operational efficiencies.

To discuss how to leverage your parking asset to its fullest, future potential contact us today.

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