Park Agility sensors can and have been deployed on unistrut or on drop down poles. Additionally, we have designed a low-infrastruture, aesthetically pleasing, catenary wire installation method which reduces the time and effort to install. Whichever of the three installation methods chosen, importantly the sensors are all side rather than central laneway mounted, to minimise operational disruption during installation. It is also less likely to be hit by over-height vehicles.
Our dedicated installation teams of experienced and certified personnel ensure our installations comply with relevant electrical and engineering codes.
With significant technical expertise and our own development team, Park Agility offer a wide array of sensor technnologies including:
✓ Infrared
✓ LiDAR/Laser
✓ Magnetic resonance
✓ Ultrasonic
✓ Camera
This allows us to provide a flexible, ‘fit for purpose’ solution suitable for all parking applications and physical environments. We believe PGS should not be considered a ‘one sensor fits all’ exercise, it takes a combination of experience and the right technology to deliver a reliable and accurate solution.
Providing the best solution often means Park Agility will utilise two or three different sensor technologies. Larger facilities often have diverse environments that include different surfaces and lighting conditions, with areas that are both undercover and outdoors, exposed to all weather conditions.
Park Agility’s R&D team has fully integrated each of our sensor technologies into the one powerful parking guidance management system – SenseIQ. Our electrical engineers have designed the electronics and written the firmware for each of our control boards.
Developing this integration and the associated back-end software ensures complete control, sensitivity and configurability, guaranteeing accuracy in the capture of bay occupancy and vehicle transit events.
Our area count and count point solutions utilise various configurations of magnetic resonance/loop; camera/image processing solutions; or beam based sensor technologies and have been succesfully deployed in multiple sites, covering multiple industry sectors.
The combination of our methodology and technologies ensures greater than 99% reliability and accuracy and avoids the common mistakes found with other Parking Guidance Solutions.